Language Learning: Guiding Your Team to English Fluency

Effective communication is the key to success for any workplace. And in Canada’s current economic landscape, having employees who speak different languages is a major advantage as we continue to engage with people from all over the world.

However, it is also essential that all employees work toward further mastery of a single common language that allows them to perform well as a team in Canada. In this context, companies quickly realize the benefits of English language training programs that fit their industry-specific and employees’ needs.

Engaged and enthusiastic language learners help create a more united workforce. That’s why helping your team develop their English is so important! There is no better way to encourage a positive workplace culture than language training programs. They help improve internal communication and prepare employees to work well not only with each other, but also with clients, customers, and partners.

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical ways you can support your employees’ English language learning journey.

Offering lessons (online or in person), having expectations around language learning and creating a supportive environment for practice are all essential strategies. Read on to empower your team to succeed in the world of English communication!

Teacher writing notes of a dry erase board.

Building language supports in-house

It doesn’t just start with English classes. It starts with a workplace looking to the future.

Canada aims to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 in 2025 and plateau at 500,000 in 2026

Yet Canada does not have the funding (or the teachers) to support the amount of language training that will be required for Newcomers. Nor do most pathways into Canada require workplace appropriate levels of English. (Note: Most people feel that a CLB 6 – Intermediate is the level that most people should have for work.)

So if we have:

  • Many Newcomers with low levels of English
  • Workplaces looking to hire
  • A shortage of language programs

The best option is for workplaces to start incorporating language programming and expectations into their hiring practises.

It’s time to start looking at language training the same way you would look at any other type of professional development.

Teacher in front of a class answering questions from her students.

How to build in english supports

In the Canadian business environment, strong English skills are imperative for effective communication and professional growth. However, employees may not always recognize the need for English classes, even when employers do. To bridge this gap, employers can take steps to encourage staff participation in English language training. Here are some helpful ways employers can encourage English training:

1. Set clear language level requirements

The process should start at the hiring stage. Before a job is posted a workplace should:

  • Identify the duties of the position
  • Clarify the language required to carry out those duties
  • Match these with the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) levels

This CLB level can then be posted in the job advertisement. Having this transparency helps applicants understand the language proficiency expected for the role. If new hires do not meet these language levels, it can be communicated that attending English training is a part of their job expectation. This expectation could remain in place until they achieve the necessary proficiency.

2. Integrate language learning into professional development

Employers should consider English language training as a critical component of professional development.

Language proficiency can be included in employee evaluations and factor into promotions to higher positions. By highlighting that language skills are valued for career advancement, employers can motivate staff to engage in language learning as a part of their professional growth.

3. Communicate expectations clearly

Once employees are hired, it is necessary that they understand the importance of achieving the required language levels for their current roles and future career opportunities.

Employers should outline the expectation that improving language skills is part of their professional development plan. This clarity ensures that employees understand the direct benefits of participating in English classes.

As well, workplaces need to ensure that Newcomers understand the Canadian culture around professional development and how it is factored in when looking at hiring for various positions. People may not realize/understand how important of a piece it can be.

A teacher at a students desk explaining something to them as the are looking at a laptop.
4. Foster a culture of continuous learning

Building a workplace culture that values continuous professional development and personal growth (including language learning) is important.

Emphasizing that certain opportunities are accessible only to those with a specific language proficiency can highlight the importance of language skills and encourage people to upskill their language learning.

5. Offer flexible language training options

To accommodate preferred learning methods and busy schedules, employers should provide options for language training.

This could include in-person classes, online courses, language learning apps, and regular sessions with language coaches. Providing choices makes it easier for employees to find a way that suits them, increasing the likelihood of their participation (and ultimate success!).

6. Celebrate achievements

Celebrate employees’ language learning achievements! This could mean recognizing a staff member reaching a certain level of proficiency or successfully completing a language course in a public way. Employers may also provide incentives or rewards to motivate employees to continue their language learning journey. 

Incorporate language learning into their evaluations and make note about the work that staff have put in to get to where they are.

By presenting language skills as important for career growth and giving flexible learning choices, businesses can encourage workers to improve their language skills. This helps employees grow and helps the company succeed.

For more information and support with language training, connect with the experts at Prairie Sky English.

With years of experience in consulting, language training, we can offer a comprehensive program tailored to your company’s needs. We guide you through the process from start to finish, using the best methods – from traditional sessions to virtual reality. Make language learning a part of your corporate culture and prepare your team to thrive!

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